Nobody does problem solving like Neue Schule, there is truly no issue one of their bits cannot correct, or at the very least help to greatly resolve. Their bits have great availability, with all options currently available to shipping with 1-2 business days, and they are are affordable, durable, and trusted by trainers and professional riders around the globe.
When looking for a new bit, your needs are going to be unique to your horse, but if you’re wondering about the very best Neue Schule has to offer, here are our superstar best-selling bits:
No. #1 Best-seller: Neue Schule Turtle Top With Flex Eggbutt Horse Bit (16mm) 7023-E TT
Improve your contact through the reins and by extension your results. This phenomenal bit aids in improving outline and overall response for a more stable and safe ride. The increased stability promotes confidence encouraging a steady, consistent contact.
This is a particularly good choice if your horse has a short, tense neck.
Dressage legal.
No. #2 Best-seller: Neue Schule Tranz Angled Lozenge Eggbutt Horse Bit (16mm) 8023-E
Good for horses who are tentative into the contact, inconsistent or too light. Offers the stability within the mouth needed to boost the horse's confidence encouraging them to seek the bit, taking the rein forwards. Great for horses that are prone to rubs on the lips.
Dressage Legal
No. #3 Best-seller: Neue Schule Verbindend Loose Ring Horse Bit (70mm Ring) 9010-70
If you’re finding that your current loose ring snaffle isn’t quite giving you the control you need, the Verbindend is a great choice. This revolutionary bit gently clarifies and emphasises the signals through the rein. Promotes self carriage, thoroughness and a true outline.
Freedom through the shoulder is also usually enhanced. Highly recommended for horses that are 'on the forehand'.
Dressage legal.
No. #4 Best-seller: Neue Schule Turtle Top with Flex Horse Bit (Ring Size 70mm) 7023-70
The modern mouthpiece with the revolutionary working angle, optimising comfort for your horse. Sits further back, taking up very little room in the mouth whilst offering a broad, smooth weight-bearing surface. Clarifies and enhances the rein aids. Proven to eradicate many tongue evasions promoting happy relaxed acceptance.
Dressage legal.
No. #5 Best-seller: Neue Schule Waterford Full Cheek Horse Bit (14mm) 8029-FC
A flexible mouthpiece often sourced for stronger horses or those with a tendency to grab the bit, set and go. Often 'saves the mouth' as the horse will respect and respond to a lighter rein aid. offers additional directional control.
Whilst often a controversial looking piece of equipment, the Waterford is designed to safe the mouth and prevent injury by discouraging pulling and leaning in strong horses. The key with this aid is to understand it is not intended for novice horses or riders, instead for experienced equestrians with sympathetic hands. When utilised correctly the Waterford is perfectly safe and will not cause your horse pain or harm despite its severe appearance.
We have so many more amazing bits available online. Don’t miss out, explore the full collection today!
Stay safe and stylish out there,